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The Real Ghost Stories

A Loud Bang 

It's been 2 years since weird things started happening in my house

Once I was sleeping out and my sisters slept in my room (they are fairly young) and saw weird lights and shadows in a corner and one shadow sitting on my bed

They were so scared that they refuse even now to sleep in my room

I told them they were crazy and things remained that way. But it's been a while since I started hearing things, someone walking up the stairs and my dogs looking at the stairs and barking for no reason, someone coughing, my dogs looking at the empty hallway and barking for no reason, dogs slamming, faint voices, etc..

And last night was the biggest happening... I was trying to sleep and then there was a loud BANG on the floor that resonated all the way in my bed

It was coming from the room below me (my old room where my sisters don't want to sleep anymore)

My dogs started barking like crazy

At first I thought maybe it came from the door and I was just half asleep and didn't hear properly

But then it did it again but coming from another room in the basement resonating in my closet (I have a walk-in closet)

I was so mad that I yelled F*** OFF. Then it started..

Knock knock knock knock knock knock really really fast and moving everywhere on the floor

Moving from one side of the room to the other to another
